Authenticating 150m+ Klarna customers all over the world.
Full-stack, security focused design, architecture and development.
DevOps with Jenkins, Docker, AWS.
Node.js, React, Redis, Kafka.
Software Engineer II
Jun. 2021 - Jan. 2022
Giessen, Germany
Software Engineer I
Mar. 2020 - Jun. 2021
Giessen, Germany
Full-stack software Development using React.js on the front-end and Java 11 at the back-end.
Development of a paywall solution for digital newspapers. This new solution increased the conversion rate significantly while signing up more recurring users. (Tested initially on Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter)
Implementation of a completely new user experience for direct debit payment method by enabling the usage of Klarna User Accounts.
Automated front-end testing with Testcafe and Jest, back-end testing with Groovy, Spock Framework and WireMock.
A Chrome extension that fills registration forms with randomly but consistently generated fake data. This drastically decrased the time requeired for testing/validating user flows.
The missing inverse of the javascript's repeat method. Written in Typescript. Available as NPM package.
The source code of this resume. Reads the data from a JSON file, generates a web page and a PDF form of this resume from it.
Saturation Tests in Application to Validation of Opinion Corpora: A Tool for Corpora Processing • Springer
Jun. 2018
We proposed tools for collection and validation of empirical data in the form of a corpus. Data is collected from users' hotel reviews.
TSCC: a New Tool to Create Lexically Saturated Text Subcorpora • LREC 2018
May. 2018
A text processing tool to valuate lexical saturation of text corpora, where lexical saturation refers to a state in which it is hard to find new lexemes outside the corpus.